Wednesday, September 19, 2007

TLC 2.0 Week 4


OK - so I'm spending some time to accomplish my TLC Thing for RSS feeds

Here is a picture of my Bloglines Account.

I'm concerned about being over whelmed with the information.

I intentionally choose to look for my news - only when I am ready to look.

I hope that it really will make my life simpler ... we'll see.


I've been looking for RSS feeds and subscribing to them.

I've been waiting for my e-mail confirmation for my bloglines acount.

I actually did some of the work I'm paid for for a while.

I'm still waiting for the confirmation e-mail.

I'm glad I took that screenshot to prove that I registered for Bloglines.

So far - looking for and reading all of these RSS feed has been soking up more than an hour of my time.....

I though TLC 2.0 was only supposed to take 15min a day ??

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