Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fun with Generators !!!

I love the toys at

Generator Blog !

Here are a few images and stuff from image generators ---

Don't forget to play my Bob Dylan Video on the Bottom

Bob Dylan Video

Monday, September 24, 2007

TLC 2.0 Week 4 1/2 part 3

Hooray !

I did finally get my BLogLines Confirmation the next morning.

I have been checking Bloglines every morning.

I do have to admit that it is very convienent to have so much news together in one place.

Yet - I do feel a bit overwhelmed. And it does suck up a lot of time sifting through the stories.

I think a tool such as Bloglines will force me to change my habits or else I'll spend an entire morning reading web news.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

TLC 2.0 Week 4 part 2

Alright it is now


I still haven't seen my confirmation e-mail - or the three that I asked Bloglines to resend....

I looked over a few of the feeds that I subscribed to - They piqued my interest in many ways but tempted me to spend lots of time reading the stories.

It seems to me that RSS feeds are a big temptation to waste my work time reading web news.

Now I don't have to actually look at the links in the
"My Favorites" and do general Web surfing to my favorite news sites ---

I can actually have my favorite News sent to my Bloglines account Enmasse.

Now I can waste my time all in one place.......

I'm not impressed

- Nor do I think another "online account" with some 3rd party webserver is of much use to me.

I think I'll stick to the "My Favorites" buttons on my Web browser.

- I could see that someone who travels much may want to use Bloglines when they are not on their own PC. --- {But then again they probably have a laptop}

I'm goinv to shut down my Bloglines browser - and hope that my account is still there tommorrow.

I've wasted enough time on RSS feeds for the day.

TLC 2.0 Week 4


OK - so I'm spending some time to accomplish my TLC Thing for RSS feeds

Here is a picture of my Bloglines Account.

I'm concerned about being over whelmed with the information.

I intentionally choose to look for my news - only when I am ready to look.

I hope that it really will make my life simpler ... we'll see.


I've been looking for RSS feeds and subscribing to them.

I've been waiting for my e-mail confirmation for my bloglines acount.

I actually did some of the work I'm paid for for a while.

I'm still waiting for the confirmation e-mail.

I'm glad I took that screenshot to prove that I registered for Bloglines.

So far - looking for and reading all of these RSS feed has been soking up more than an hour of my time.....

I though TLC 2.0 was only supposed to take 15min a day ??

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My new toy !!

It's my

Yes I have had this phone since December - But finally this summer I got the 1GB memory card.

Now I have plenty of memory to story Audio and Video Files on board.

I purchased an extra headphone adapter and now I have a -

FM Walkman Radio

Full Color video Player

MP3 player

Headset Telephone

Handheld mapping tool

Web browser


The Best thing about it is - I worked out only having to pay

$16 set-up fee

$6 headset adapter

$25 1GB memory chip

Yep that's $47 dollars for a New Cell Phone and MP3 player

Now you'll see me around campus will my headphones on.

I listen to stuff while doing chores around the house - when I'm working our at the gym - etc.

You just won't know if I'm talking to friends on the phone, watching a little video, listening to the radio, podcasts or just music.

It's lots of fun. I'm not being rude.

PodCasts from the

I only hope that I can learn when to turn it off.

Here's a nice NPR Audio Piece about how this kind of media is melting our minds and possibly our culture.

This Holiday Weekend, Be Your Own Search Engine

But, I promise I only listen to educational stuff --- really .....???

Friday, September 7, 2007

TLC 2.0 - Week 3 - Part 2

I forgot to Blog about an image on Flickr

Here is a neat Fauxtograph.

It is a pasting of the faces of characters from one movie -
"Rocky Horror Picture Show"

onto the bodies of the characters from an other movie -
"Star Wars : A new Hope"

It is comic mostly because it is a "bit jarring" to the eyes of us who know both of these movies - perhaps a bit too well.

For those folks that do not know these movies - this pic is very mundane.

With only a moment of consideration the "Fan" can project his mind into a conversation doing a comparison and contrast between these two films.

And have a little fun with a "what if...." scenario.

What if - Brad and Janet were Han and Lia ?

What if Rocky was Luke ? Or Luke Rocky ?

Riff-Raff is monitoring the Death Star - in the Place of Grand Moff Tarkin ... ?

Of Course, Darth Vader would be played by Dr. Frank-n-furter ---

When Darth Vader is confronted by Obi-Wan (obviously played by Dr. {Great} Scott) will he throw off his dark mask, cape and leather outfit to reveal a well assembled collection of lingerie ?

--- Then again is there really much difference between Chewbacca and his substitute cast member of Eddie ( The role made famous by "Meatloaf") ?

Ah yes - and we know know how it will all end - with a rousing rending of the Rebels performing - "Let's do the Timewarp again !"

Yep all this from one picture on Flcker !

heh - I think I'll logoff and "get a life" now.

TLC 2.0 Week 3

Using Flickr and Photo Sharing.

I found flicker to be interesting, to a point.

At some points I felt as if I had stumbled into an old relative's home and was subjected to an endless night of watching the family slides back to 1953.

You start to appreciate those slides as you get older. Especially, the stories that begin to trickle out from them.

Flickr is a bit like that; except that the old family stories don't come out. So all the pix seem to be "out of context".

What did I like best ?

I did make a Librarian Trading Card

With one of the BIG Huge Labs Tools

This was a bit fun for anyone who has played RPG card games.

I could see that many of their tools would be great as customized gifts for friends and family.

What captured my imagination the most ?

I loved the products from


Especially the Photo Postage stamps

WOW what a great way for promotion !

This is fun for Wedding Invitations and Thank You notes.

I made a stamp sample for my Wife and suggested that she use these stamps when her book is published.

And/Or as a method to promote her work.


I am comfortable and well versed in photo sharing and manipulation around the Internet.
I can already send photos around and assemble slide shows.

I felt no need to set up, yet another, account in Flckr and subject my pix to the rest of the world.

Most of the Mash-up tools also allow for uploading pix from the PC.

I will keep Flckr in mind if I am looking for certain types of images.


Yet - I still miss that dusty smell that blows out from the back of the slide projector.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Forgetting my Briefcase

We all have our routines in Life. When the routine is disturbed we feel that sense of anxiety.

For me, it is my Morning routine.

The alarm goes off and I begin a 45 min routine of getting ready for my day at work.

Unfortunately on some days something happens differently. I need to take out the trash. Or I get a phone call, or my wife wakes up and engages me in an unexpected conversation.

Today - I needed to write down some notes to myself for later this week. And my car wouldn't start - so I needed to use that jumper battery my parents gave me for Christmas last year.

Inevitably, this throws off my routine and I will forget something.

Sometimes - it will be a forgotten cell phone, or packing a lunch . . . today I forgot my entire briefcase.

I parked my car in the garage and actually grabbed for a handle that was not there in the passenger seat next to me.

Panic set in for a moment when I realized what had happened.

I was angry, for a moment, at myself for forgetting this most essential tool.
It was followed by complete anxiety !
--- My day planner ! It is lost - how will I know what to do today ?
--- My thumb drive ! What if I need to save an important file and transport it ?
--- That stack of papers ! What if I finally decide to sort through those papers in my briefcase and actually find some use in them.
--- Extra pens !
--- That picture of my family !

Of course, I was eventually able to calm myself down.

I realized that I would be able to sufficiently pass through the day with what I do have with me.

Sure - I might go home at lunch time and retrieve my briefcase - but perhaps it is not as essential as I think it is.

This little drama repeats itself each time the Morning routine is disturbed. Even if it is my cellphone or my lunch bag that has been forgotten.

I often find great comfort in the morning routine. I like to think that I have it all down to a science and that I have planned everything perfectly . . .

What a grand Hubris I have !

Days like today - I decide to laugh at myself.

I shall not let --> hubris + ate = nemesis

Instead I choose --> hubris + clarity = comedy

Perhaps I can also find comfort in that. The self assurance that I may safely continue my day with only the head on my shoulders and the keys in my pockets.

TJ Paladin

Every man is important if he loses his life; and every man is funny if he loses his hat, and has to run after it.
G. K. Chesterton - Charles Dickens