Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Future of Libraries and Web 2.0

Well- I may change my mind in the future - but here is my take on the whole Web 2.0 in Libraries so far......

There seems to be a great deal of hand ringing about our changing profession. There also seems to be a great deal of job protectionism and grasping for a need to be "relevant" to our patrons.

Academics, library school students, and librarians with too much time on their hands seem to have a very ethereal idea of Librarianship. And discuss it as if Librarianship is now and has always been about bibliographic control and access to all information, everywhere, at any time, for everyone.

Yet, in reality Librarianship has always been like any other profession; doing a specific job, with a specific collection, for a specific patron base, during specific hours.

Furthermore, just like any other job - it will change. If I am no longer needed by my University to do technical services - then I will need to go find another job.

It is as simple as that.

If a small city no longer wishes to support a community library - then those librarians need to hit the pavement.

How often do we see Doctors and Lawyers pleading with local governments trying to convince them and all people how important they are ? Not often.

Carburetor manufacturers didn't stand in the streets trying the convince the world they are still important once fuel injectors were introduced. Blacksmiths reduced in numbers and found a small niche in a world without horses as common transportation.

If we need to convince people they need us, then maybe they don't ?

Eventually, some of them will fall into chaos in a glut of information resources and cry for help,
"Won't someone please be an information professional for us !"

And thus the cycle will continue. And we can make them "pay through the nose" for our expertise.

Web 2.0 does not threaten libraries or librarians. Nor do I think Libraries should be involved much with Web 2.0 beyond very practical applications.

Such as:
Using a Blog for Newsletters.
Making funny Patron Signs with Image Generators
Using a Wiki for committee meetings

Many of the other tools of Web 2.0 (Technorati,, etc) could be used as web tools for the individual librarian in their daily work.

Web 2.0 applications could be shown to library patrons as part of computer training classes.
But, this is better for a Community center to tackle. I have never felt that the Library and Librarians are best suited to do "computer training" for the community.

Local Governments should rather set up large computer centers and hire computer trainers and technicians to man them.

There should be a "City Computer Lab" that is _not_ the Local Library. (Although they could be in the same building.)

Leave the Libraries to only have access to "specifically selected" resources. Leave the Librarians to do what they do best - provide access to a collection of materials - take care and preserve a collection materials - provide assistance and training for research and patron selection of materials.

In general, Web 2.0 is not "part of the collection" it is only a set of web tools.

Web 2.0 tools need to be used under the criteria of serving the needs of the librarian's job.

Who is my patron ?
What is my collection ?
What is my job in relation to each of these ?
What tools are at my disposal to do my job better ?

Without a clear understanding of these things it is understandable that there may be much anxiety.

I really like a recently published article that has the most well thought out discussion of this topic. I also believe that the author's recommendations are very appropriate.
In short, he thinks Libraries should stick to what they do best - managing a small and specific collection of Books and a limited collection of "specifically selected resources".

Stop trying to control the web - stop trying to be all things to all people.

Unfortunately, the Library Community may not want to hear it.

Please read:

"The Peloponnesian War and the Future of Reference, Cataloging, and Scholarship in Research Libraries" prepared for AFSCME 2910 by Thoams Mann, June 13, 2007.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have a job to do.
I am a Professional Librarian with a collection to care for.


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